Fully automated electrophoresis system
Project: Study and construction fully
automated electrophoresis system
Implementing Agency: Evresis SA
Scientific Coordinator: Department of Automation Engineering of Alexandrio TEI of Thessaloniki
Project budget: 292950 €
Project duration: 28-6-2018 to 27-6-2020

EVRESIS aims to achieve a significant competitive advantage by creating the conditions for the development of a new, fully automated, plug-and-play turn-key solution that will perform fast, reliable and relatively low cost the electrophoresis process.

ATEI-Department of Automation Engineering
As a research and dissemination body, the Department of Automation Engineering also actively participates of ATEI. The Department of Automation Engineering, with specialized personnel with significant specialized knowledge, will support the industrial research process, especially with regard to the implementation of the provisions and the management and control algorithm of all the sub-systems and devices of the new device. The Department of Automation Engineering expects that this partnership will further strengthen the research character of the Department, especially in areas of interest related to market needs.